Robert i Vancouver

Celebuzz såg Robert Pattinson på The Bar i Hollywood, CA dricka champange med sina vänner i måndags kväll. Men den spännande nyheter är-

"Hopefully the star got some shut eye, as Pattinson told the group he's headed to Vancouver, BC today to begin production on New Moon, the sequel to the blockbuster Twilight."

Detta betyder att vilken dag som helst kommer han åka till Vancouver och börja spela in New Moon tillsammans med Kristen och alla andra i Twilight/New Moon- gänget! Det känns verkligen officiellt nu! Gud vad vi vill ha trailer nu och filmen!

Kristen ny film

Kristen Stewart kommer vara med i en film som heter " The Cake Eaters" och den har release- datum den 24 mars 2009 på DvD i USA. Den officiella trailern och webbsidan har precis släppts.


Ingen Solomon, aka Sam Uley

Nu är det bekräftat att Solomon Trimble inte kommer att fortsätta som Sam Uley i New Moon. Så här ar han skrivit på sin MYSPACE:

"My agent heard from Summit Entertainment today that I will not be reprising the role of Sam in "New Moon." While I will cherish the experience of being involved in the first film, I am looking forward to many new opportunities in the future and would like to thank everyone for their support."

Vad synd! Vi tycker båda att han spelade jättebra som Sam men anledningen är nog i boken står det att Jacob inte tycker om Sam och hans gäng, därför så hänger han inte med dem. Då kan det inte vara samma Sam I New Moon Lycka till i framtiden Solomon!!

Taylor förbjuden att dejta

Han sade vad? Taylor Lautner har erkänt att han inte får dejta någon förrän han fyller 28 år-

Twilight skådisen Taylor öppnar sig och berättade för M magazine att han inte får dejta.
"My dad says I can´t date until I´m 28.I'm definitely hoping to negotiate that one down."

Men ändå visar han sin tacksamhet för hans fars strikta regler och följer dem som en snäll liten pojke.

Detta kommer leda till många tjejers brustna hjärtan.


Dagens test

Nu finns det även ett Emmett & Rosalie- test! Hur mycket vet ni just om dem två?

klicka på bilden för att komma till testet!

Saker du inte visste om Nikki Reed

1. Her father and Catherine Hardwicke once dated, so Nikki is in many of her productions

2. She has 15 piercings (6 in each ear, 1 tongue, 1 nose, 1 bellybutton)

3. She is an animal lover (she has dogs and horses)

4. She has a tattoo on her left wrist

5. She was raised in the Jewish faith

6. She starred in "Thirteen" at a young age and during school, mothers would come in at lunch and harass her

7. She has an older brother named Nathan and a younger one named Joey

8. She was born May 17, 1988 in West LA

9. Her parents were divorced when she was 2

10. Her middle name is Houston

11. She moved out on her own when she was 14

12. Her mother is a hairdresser

13. She is best friends with Kristen Stewart


Nu är det bestämt att New Moon kommer ut på bio den 20 november 2009! Detta är bekräftat av Nordisk Film.

Yes! Hur härligt är inte detta? Dock skulle man väl vilja ha den på bio mycket tidigare men vi tar det vi får!! :)

 Denna bild är gjord av fans men hur cool var inte den?

Robert är nominerad på the Empire Awards

Robert Pattinson har blivit nominerad för Best Newcomer catagory. Det står mellan andra brittiska skådisar som Jim Surgess and Gemma Aterton. För att rösta på honom klicka Empire Awards for the Best Newcomer category.
Glöm inte att du måste registrera dig först för att rösta.

Saker du inte visste om Kristen Stewart

1. Her middle name is Jaymes

2. She was born April 9, 1990

3. She is 5'6"

4. She has an older brother named Cameron

5. Her mother is Australian

6. She has a cat (Jella) and 3 dogs (Oz, Jack, Lily)

7. She is best friends with Nikki Reed

8. Has been in a relationship with Michael Angarano for 2 years

9. Her parents are both in the production industry

10. Her father, John Stewart, is currently co-producing "On-Air With Ryan Seacrest"

11. She loves to surf

12. She has lived her whole life in LA; she was even born there

13. Her and Cameron still live with their parents

14. She had starred in 18 films before she turned 18

Det finns ett nytt test som vi precis hittade! Den heter " Will Bella Be Your BFF"(best friend forever)

Klicka här 

Saker du inte visste om Anna Kendrick

1. She was born August 9, 1985

2. She was born in Portland, Maine

3. She is 5' 4"

4. She was the second youngest person to be nominated for a Tony - She was 13

5. Her older brother, Michael Cooke Kendrick, is also an actor

6. In 1991 she was actress in a theatrical production of "Annie"

7. She has blue eyes

8. She attended Deering High School in Maine

9. She was licked by Robert Pattinson

10. She starred in "Rocket Science"

Nummer 9 förvånade oss båda rejält.

Dagens test

Testa dina kunskaper om Bella och Twilight

klicka på bilden för att komma till testet

Robert nästan slutade helt som skådis

Här är hela artikeln:

Robert Pattinson New Moon Poster En mycket snygg bild på Robert. Kolla hans bräda!

Before New Moon and Twilight, Robert Pattinson nearly gave up on acting. His role in Little Ashes, where he plays Salvador Dali, saved him-

"I did that before Twilight and I was going to give up acting before that. I did the casting about two years before to play Lorca and they said ‘we found a Spanish guy who looks just like Lorca to play Lorca'. Do you want to play Dali? Which is like the opposite part to Lorca. They told me four days before shooting. I was just so disinterested in acting at the time. I just thought ‘oh, a three-month vacation in Spain, okay'. I went there and it was so intense the whole time and everybody was speaking Spanish and I don't speak a word of Spanish. The whole crew was Spanish. I was the only English person there for the majority of the time. It gave me a reason to really focus on the script and the research to a ridiculous degree. It was the only thing I did for the entire time

Pattinson also loves New Moon, and can't wait to show off his acting chops-

The second one's my favorite book and I think you can really change the character at the end. He's distraught and every ounce of confidence he has in the first one is gone by the end of the second one by his reappearance at the end when he's essentially committing suicide. He can really completely change his image, like, nothing in the rest of the books. I can create something quite special with it, I think... if they let me. (laughs.)

New Moon trailer ur Jacobs perspektiv

Här bjuder jag på en New Moon trailer ur Jacobs perspektiv. Den är riktigt bra!

Robert Pattinson i en japansk show


Tack till odameCA för ha laddat upp detta Youtube- klipp!

En sång till Jacob

Tack snälla Betti Gefecht för att hon vill dela med sig av denna fantastiska låt till Jacob Black!

Betti är en tysk sångare/sångskrivare och är också ett stort fan av Twilight. Klicka på denna länk så kan du ladda ner "Jacob´s Song"

One Wolf by Betti Gefecht

Paul Weitz regissör i Eclipse?

Enligt, ska Paul Weitz, bror till Chris Weitz, regissera Eclipse. Nyligen har det vart ett rykte om att skådespelaren Drew Barrymore kanske också ska regissera Eclipse. Men det visade sig antagligen vara felaktigt.
Paul har bland annat vart regissör för "About a boy" och "American astronaunt"

Detta rykte har ännu inte blivit bekräftat av Summit Entertainment.

Vad tycker ni skulle han kunna regissera Eclipse, som har realese- datum i juni 2010?

Paul är till höger, Chris till vänster

Saker du inte visste om Edi Gathegi

1. His middle name is Mue

2. He was born March 10, 1979

3. He is 6'1"

4. He was raised in California

5. He has an older brother and a younger sister

6. His nicknames are Ed Lo and Edi G

7. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya

8. He has read the Saga

9. Edward is Edi's favorite character in "Twilight"

10. He is a fan of Stephenie Meyer

11. He is a sugar junkie

Saker du inte visste om Stephenie

1. She was born December 24, 1973 in Connecticut

2. She moved to Arizona at age 4

3. She got her names' unusual spelling from her Dad, Stephen

4. She has 5 siblings - Emily, Heidi, Jacob, Paul, and Seth

5. She attended Brigham Young University in Utah on a scholarship

6. She is married to a man named Pancho (His real name is Christiaan)

7. She met Pancho when she was 4

8. She has three kids - Gabe (8), Seth (5), Eli (3)

9. She is Mormon

10. Twilight came to her in a dream on June 2, 2003 (The Meadow Scene)

Hur coolt är inte det att fylla på julafton?


Hur mycket vet du egentligen om Stephenie Meyer förutom the Twilight- Saga? Ta reda på det.

klicka på bilden för att komma till testet.

Saker du inte visste om Elizabeth Reaser

1. Her middle name is Ann

2. She is 5' 2 1/2"

3. She was born on June 15, 1975

4. She is a vegetarian (the irony)

5. She stars in Grey's Anatomy

6. She is a middle child of 3 girls

7. Her parents got divorced early in her life

8. She can kiss/lick her elbow

9. She once went to 15 auditions in one week

10. She once acted in a play where 2 audience members showed up

11. She attended Julliard

12. She was once a golf caddy at a country club

13. She was born in Bloomfield,

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